Scrubber dryer

The scrubber device is known as the most important category of floor cleaning equipment among industrial cleaning devices. Due to having a simultaneous brushing and suction mechanism, this device has the ability to spray water and detergents from the clean water tank and after brushing and separating the pollution from the ground, guide it into the dirty water tank through the suction mechanism. The industrial floor washing machine or scrubber itself is offered in manual and manned categories.



زمین شوی نظافتت صنعتی RA55B40 یک اسکرابر دستی می باشد که منبع تغذیه آن باتری است و این ویژگی به کاربر امکان نظافت محیط هایی که برای دسترسی به پریز برق محدودیت دارند را میدهد.از انجایی که ناستفاده از سیستم های الکترونیکی در ساختار دستگاه های صنعتی امکان خرابی و همینطور هزینه نگهداری آنها را بالا میبرد،مکانیزم این اسکرابر برپایه ی سیستم مکانیکی استوتر است و همین امر موجب کاهش خرابی های دستگاه و همینطور کاهش هزینه های نگهداری و سرویس آن میشود.



دستگاه زمین شوی صنعتی RA55BM40 یکی از محبوب ترین دستگاه های کف شوی صنعتی از برند کلومبوس آلمان می باشد که برای تامین انرژی الکتریکی خود از باتری استفاده میکند. این زمین شوی دستی صنعتی با پهنای شستشوی 550 میلیمتر و پهنای تی 850 میلیمتر کارایی بسیار بالایی در مکش آب و نظافت سطوح می باشد.ساختار کف شوی دستی RA55BM40 به دلیل پهنای مناسب تی به کاربر این امکان را میدهد که به تمامی نقاط و سطوح متراکم و گوشه و کنار دسترسی داشته باشدو همین امر موجب افزایش بهره وری و کارایی دستگاه میشود.

Scrubber or mechanized floor washer is a widely used tool in the field of washing surfaces, this category of cleaning mechanisms has various categories, which we will introduce each one below: Driving type: scrubbers can be manual or manned. In manual scrubbers, the user directs the traffic path by moving behind the device, but in the categories of car scrubbers or manned scrubbers, the user has a place to sit and the control mechanism is similar to that of a car by pedals and steering wheel. Type of power source: although most scrubbers are electric, but in the larger categories, examples with fossil fuel supply, such as gasoline or gas, can be seen. In the field of electric floor washing, it is important that this type of device can supply its electricity through a cable from the power grid or battery. In addition to the lower cost of purchase, supply and maintenance, the cable series have engines with higher power and working power, in contrast to the battery-powered scrubber series, due to the lack of need to be constantly connected to the power grid, they will have maneuvering power and faster performance. Motion system: All manned scrubbers have a motion motor mechanism, but this issue in the case of manual scrubbers can be divided into models with or without a motion motor depending on the dimensions and categories. Models without a motion motor are generally limited to manual single brush scrubbers, in which the movement mechanism largely supplies its energy from the rotational movement of the single brush due to the forward rotation of the brush. Number of brushes: scrubbers can have between 1 and 4 brushes. It should be noted that manual scrubbers are conventionally provided with one brush and manned devices with two brushes.

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